Feature Outline

WhizConnect is broken up into three major components: Reporting, Manage, and Resources.


Reporting is the major feature of WhizConnect. Users can view an information overview or dive deeper into the robots’ usage and assists. The Overview highlights statistics related to usage and assists for the date range selected (defaulted to the past week) visualized in a number of graphs on the page.

The Usage page features more detailed breakdowns of runtime, coverage distance, and robot assists at a location. ‘Usage’ dives deeper into data on the Overview page, including filtering for specific time periods. Similarly, the Assists page showcases assists within custom date ranges across locations and robots. Data can be filtered by reason, location, and specific labels predetermined for every customer.

Finally, Routes consolidates information by route. Routes will display per customer and detail location, HLC and HLC slots for each route, as well as the date robots were last run, how many times the route has been run, the total number of route assists and the average assist TTR (Time-to-Resolve). Detailed route cards display route maps, details about the robot that ran the route, usage, and assist reasons.


Within the Manage section, Fleet users set up locations, robots, and add users to a company. In Locations, users will find names of locations, the dates at which they were initialized, the robots registered to each location, the hourly wage for human labor at that location, and location assist times. Fleet users can add locations and ROI information for a company, which informs the data in Reporting.

The Robots tab lists the robots registered to a location and allows users to change the location for robots and add labels to help with report generation. Robot information will appear after robots are registered by fleet.

Lastly, the Users tab shows all the users registered to a company. Customer name, registered locations, robots they can access, creation date and last modified information. Fleet can add Admin users, and Admins can add normal users.


Finally, WhizConnect houses supplemental documentation for both the portal and robots on the Training page. On Consumables, users will find links to restock brushes, bags, and filters.