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Why are my routes missing?

Sometimes, you will see assists recorded on a certain date, but there are no routes or usage data. What might have caused this?

Whiz collects and sends encrypted data to our cloud-based data center, so that we can report back to you on SoftBank Robotics Connect.
Since assists require immediate attention that would be critical to Whiz's operation, this data is prioritized, constantly recorded and sent to the data center so that we can alert you as soon as the assists are required. However, for autonomous route run along with its coverage and runtime, Whiz stores this data on the machine and only sends it to the data center once the route is completed.
If there is any activity that interrupts the power of a robot before its autonomous route run is ended/completed, the robot will not be able to retain the data for that route run and therefore this data will not be saved and would not be available on the data center. This basically includes any time the robot loses power before it has automatically completed its route run or anytime it loses power before the route has been manually cancelled. Here are some examples of what could cause a route run to be missing:
  • Robot is turned off - Robot is keyed off before route is ended.
  • Robot is rebooted - Robot is rebooted for whatever reason before the route is ended.
  • Robot is stuck and loses power while waiting for assist is be resolved
  • Robot loses power due to battery failure or battery removal.
  • Any other power short event that causes the robot to lose power.
If you have any further question, please feel free to contact your customer success manager or whiz-support@softbankrobotics.com